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An Atomic CSS Framework for Webflow
Webflow development shouldn't be as messy as it often is. There's a better way. Blockhead is a full-featured system of pre-built classes for quickly & predictably building great looking, responsive, modular websites.
Indecision can be the bane of efficient development, all the more so in a team setting. "If I change the size of this heading, will it impact other pages on the site?" "Has someone else already created a class that does what I'm trying to do?" "Should I name this class based on this specific use case, or will it be re-used later?" An atomic class system circumvents these moments of indecision by providing pre-named, utility-based classes that can be strung together, isolating changes to single pages. This type of system can is oftentimes useful but limiting, but Blockhead relies on variables & calc functions to maximize adaptability. Everything from page gutters to colors to spacing sizes to border radiuses can be quickly customized via Webflow's Variables Panel & components like the 12-column system adapt automatically. Blockhead offers the best of both worlds: the shortcuts gained from using a framework & the flexibility of a from-scratch build.

View Blockhead in action

A better way to build


Update colors, type, spacing & more through the Webflow Variables Panel.


Optimize column widths, margins, & more across viewports. Set type in pixel-equivalent REM values to maximize both adaptability & clarity.


Class names clearly communicate use, reducing the need for documentation.


Classes, components, & animations are built for re-use.

Ideal for teams

Shared practices make teamwork friction-free.


Easily add, remove, or modify features.